How Many Calories in a Vape?

Those people who are conscious about their diet and especially keep an eye on weight ask how many calories are in a vape. Either these calories affect weight or not when you vape. Science hasn’t given a clear answer yet, but we can make some guesses based on what we know. With a rising interest in this query, we have crafted this detailed guide for you. It will help you to know everything about the relationship between vaping and weight and savor your favorite vape juice comfortably. Vaping contains some calories, but it never causes weight gain. But the question arises here: How many calories do vaping have, and how much do you absorb? This will be discovered in this article, and you will also know what vaping is and how it works.  

What is Vaping, and How Does it Work?

For those who are new to vaping and it's their first experience, let’s discuss the basic things that will help them learn about vaping. Vaping is the method of inhaling and exhaling the vapor from an electronic cigarette, which contains 95% less harmful ingredients. That’s why it is considered the safest alternative to traditional smoking.  

Additionally, vaping products are ready with three main things. One is a battery, the second is the vape tank or pod, and the last is the vape coil. The vape pod is connected to a battery, which heats the coil to produce vapor. Hence, this coil is wrapped around a wick-like cotton in the tank and absorbs the vape liquid that you filled in the tank.

Do Vapes Have Calories?

The answer to this question is YES. Vape juice is mostly made with vegetable Glycerin (VG) and propylene glycol (PG), and flavours are added to enhance the taste. All these ingredients have calories, but the amount of these calories is small, which is usually considered negligible. In addition, each puff of a vape equals about 0.05 calories, and vape juice usually contains five calories per milliliter. 

For example, suppose you have a 10ml bottle of e-liquid. It would contain about 40-50 calories, and an e-vaporizer that offers almost 600 puffs per unit may contain 30 calories. Even if vaping does provide some calories, the slow use of e-liquid makes it unlikely to affect your calorie intake in any meaningful way.

However, the calories usually come from the main ingredients VG and PG, each providing four calories per gram. The other ingredients do not significantly contribute to the calorie count. Plus, vape liquids come in a broad spectrum of flavours. Some e-liquids use artificial sweeteners, which add calories to vape juice, which is almost less than one calorie per ml.

Can You Absorb Calories from Vaping?

This is the most important question that most diet-conscious vapers want to know. As we discussed above, vape juice has a tiny amount of calories that do not affect your weight. When you inhale the vapor, these calories can’t be absorbed. Most of the calories are released when you exhale. Its effect on your calorie intake is almost minimal.

Additionally, some research has said that many people intake some calories through their mouth and throat lining. The estimated range is 2% to 10%, but it might be possible to absorb 7.5 to 15 calories from an entire 30ml bottle.

Moreover, if you really want to absorb calories, you must consider the best foods and drinks. Gaining weight through vaping is not possible because calories must be ingested and digested to be absorbed.

Impact of Vaping into Weight

Vaping does not directly impact your weight. The ingredients used in vaping products contain some calories, but they never have a large effect on your weight. In this section, we will discuss a few important questions that may clear all your doubts about vaping if you still think vaping causes gaining weight.

Does Vape Increase Your Weight?

No, you can’t gain weight from disposable vape because the calories in the vape juice are present and can’t be absorbed via the lungs. Even if you absorb a tiny amount of calories, it is not enough to affect your weight. However, it is well known that people may gain weight from vaping right after switching from smoking. The reason is that it may cause an increase in hunger. Most of the vapers feel hungry, resulting in frequent snacking and gaining weight. This is especially common in ex-smokers.

Does Vaping Make You Lose Weight?

Although vaping does not contribute to calorie intake, some of the vaping products contain tobacco extract, which can affect weight and reduce your appetite. However, we don’t recommend using this as a way to lose weight, as other health risks need to be considered.

How Many Calories Burn in Vaping?

No, it is not a way to burn calories because vaping is not a form of exercise, so you can’t expect it to. You neither absorb nor burn calories while vaping. However, the best way to burn calories is to keep yourself hydrated, follow a balanced diet, and get good exercise.

Comparing Vape Calories to Everyday Foods and Drinks

The vaping liquid has very low calories because the ingredients are lightweight and synthetic. Each puff has minimal calories that are burned off immediately, even just by walking around your house. For context, we burn about 50 calories an hour while sleeping!

On the other hand, foods and drinks have much more energy to absorb, which is why their calories are higher. Proteins and carbohydrates contain roughly four calories per gram, the same as e-liquid, whereas fats contain more than double, almost nine calories per gram. 

Moreover, foods and drinks also contain more natural sugar than vape liquid, so consuming them throughout the day can lead to calorie buildup. If you truly want to lose weight, you should consume fewer calories.

How to Calculate Vape Calories from Your Usage

Knowing about vape calories is good for diet-conscious vapers. It will help you vape calmly. Vaping is almost calorie-free, but here we will tell you how to calculate vaping calories for your satisfaction.

Calculating the facts about vape nutrients is challenging, but it is not impossible. Firstly, check the calories in the base ingredients. PG contains about four calories per gram, while VG has around 4.32 calories per gram.

  1. Note the PG/VG ratio in your e-liquid

  2. Measure how much e-liquid you use daily (in ml)

  3. Multiply the volume by the calorie content of PG and VG

Conclusion: Do the Calories in Vapes Matter?

We hope you find this blog valuable and get the answers to all the questions that arise in your mind. There is no significant evidence to highlight that vaping has affected your weight. The vape juice contains minimal calories, which is negligible and non-consumable via inhaling vapor. However, vapor intensity and the act of vaping or smoking can reduce your appetite, which might lead to weight loss. But you can’t use e-vaporizers just for weight loss.

In addition, vaping is only recommended to adult smokers who are looking for a healthier alternative to smoking because it brings many health benefits. The disposable vapes also can’t cause weight changes. You can also calculate the vaping calories by following our method. Overall, you never need to worry about calories while vaping. Just pick the right vaporizer and e-liquid and enjoy it with concentration.

Read our other blog if you want to know how many Cigarettes are in a Vape?